Saturday, November 27, 2004


The Lib Dem plans to introduce a local income tax hit hard-working

Just like their plans to abolish the Child Tax Credit, scrap the New Deal,
and abolish the Pension Credit their local income tax plans would hit
hard-working families in the pocket.

Local 2004-05 Band D Lib Dem Local Annual Monthly
Authority Council Tax Rate Income Tax Rate Change Change

Cardiff £872 £1,377 £505 £42

*Figures based on results of the Lib Dem Local Income Tax Calculator.
Figures calculate the rate of tax of two working people earning the gross
median average wage in Wales.

Labour slam Lib Dem hypocrisy
Cardiff Lib Dems claim credit for tough action they opposed

Labour have attacked Cardiff Lib Dems for "sheer rank hypocrisy", for
claiming credit for tough action which they have consistently opposed.

New police curfew powers in the Bayside Estate in Splott recently saw the
Liberal Democrat Cardiff Council quick to claim the credit. Yet both at
Westminster and at a Cardiff Council level they have opposed all Labour's
efforts to tackle the misery caused by gangs of youths.
In Westminster they voted against the Anti Social Behaviour Bill and
against measures to disperse gangs of yobs, while in Cardiff they voted
against a resolution calling for tough action to tackle anti-social
behaviour, with new leader Rodney Berman specifically opposing dispersal

Cardiff South and Penarth AM Lorraine Barrett said: "The sheer rank
hypocrisy of the Lib Dems is breathtaking. This is a typical Lib Dem
tactic to claim the credit for things which go well while disowning
anything unpopular.

"Curfews do not come about quickly and the Lib Dems would have more
credibility if they acknowledged the work of those who achieved this.
Local residents groups fought for this, working closely with Splott Labour
councillor Clarissa Holland, the police and the Cardiff Community Safety
Partnership to tackle youth annoyance."

Lorraine Barrett AM


Lib Dem local tax plans would hurt hard-working families

Liberal Democrat plans to replace Council Tax would hit hard-working

According to the Liberals' own local income tax calculator an average
earning two parent family in Cardiff would have to pay an extra £42 per
month an extra £505 a year.

Cardiff South and Penarth AM LORRAINE BARRETT said: "The Lib Dems make
grand claims about the benefits of their local income tax but like so many
of their promises, they turn out to be made of sand. The plain reality is
that working families would be worse off. In Cardiff an average family
would be forced to pay more than £500 a year extra.

"When your study Lib Dem policy it is very quickly apparent that, far from
standing for more fairness in society, a Lib Dem Government would result
in huge social injustices. They are committed to abolishing Child Tax
Credits, scrapping the New Deal and abolishing the Pension Credit. Liberal
Democrats oppose tough measures to deal with thugs and anti-social

"The Liberal Democrats love to spread scare stories on local taxation in
their leaflets. But they would be far better off using their energy to
encourage the 30 per cent of pensioners entitled to council tax benefit
but who currently do not claim it."

Lorraine Barrett AM

Saturday, November 20, 2004


Labour pledges support for residents' fight to reclaim streets as Cardiff curfew ends

Labour politicians pledged their support to local residents in their fight to reclaim their streets on the day the Section 30 Order (curfew) pilot ended in Bayside, Splott, Cardiff. The Section 30 Order was one of the first in Wales, running from August to today, and has been judged a success.
Now local councillor Clarissa Holland is setting up TAG (Tremorfa Action Group) to tackle similar problems in neighbouring Tremorfa. The founder of Bayside Residents Association, June Johnson, has addressed Tremorfa residents, explaining how Bayside residents turned their problems around.
JUNE JOHNSON said: "Bayside has been transformed, and we are determined to build on this. I'd like to thank our councillor, AM and MP for all their support."
Splott Labour Councillor CLARISSA HOLLAND said: "Crime levels have fallen significantly, as has vandalism and street attacks. Graffiti removed at the start of the Section 30 period has not reappeared. Bonfire Night and Halloween were problem free, with the first ever Bayside Halloween Party. The children's parks ruined before Section 30 are to be rebuilt. Our weekly Partnership meetings will continue, and our focus now is on rebuilding Bayside."
Local Assembly Member Lorraine Barrett and MP Alun Michael met residents on Saturday. ALUN MICHAEL MP said: "I want to praise local residents for all their hard work to reclaim their community from the young thugs who were making their lives a misery. We are committed to helping them find ways to take this work forward."

Friday, November 12, 2004


Funding Frozen for Vital Vocational Training Service - MP attacks Lib Dem Council for deserting youngsters in need

Alun Michael MP

Friday, November 05, 2004


Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night is an occasion enjoyed by adults and children alike, but it can be ruined by the inconsiderate, irresponsible and anti-social use of fireworks. The good news is that such abuse is now not only inconsiderate, irresponsible and anti-social – it‘s criminal!

I’m backing Labour’s tough new offences to tackle fireworks. Last year, as your MP I voted for the passage of the Fireworks Act 2003. We have created new powers to fine yobs who threw fireworks in public and imposed a maximum noise level on fireworks. Now:

yobs misusing fireworks will face £80 on the spot fines as new police powers come into force.
police can now fine under 18’s for possession of an adult firework (any firework except for sparklers, party poppers and similar) in a public place;
police can now fine yobs for possession of a professional level firework.

Those causing a disturbance with fireworks can now be fined for letting off a firework between 11 pm and 7 am. Larger fines and Prison sentences are available for the most serious offences.

The tough new rules build on measures put in place in previous laws on Fireworks abuses:

these include the imposition of a maximum decibel limit - 120 decibels - on all consumer level fireworks;
it is illegal for anyone to sell fireworks to under 18’s under any circumstances;
there is also a ban on selling aerial shells, mini-rockets and fireworks of erratic flight (e.g. squibs, ) to the public;
there is now a licensing scheme in place to stop the year-round selling of fireworks from unlicensed premises and shops.
the offence of letting fireworks off in the street is punishable by a penalty notice for disorder (PND) with an £80 fine.

I hope that you and your family and friends enjoy a safe November 5th – for more information on firework safety see

Alun Michael MP

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